The Star Citizen Organization
The Star Citizen Organization formed and ran by the CobraTV Community.
A Home for any form of Space Gamer.
Being a Cobro means having fun with like minded people. Our Discord is our main Plattform for gathering and playing Star Citizen. This Server is open to everyone and you can play here with CobraTV.
CobroForce Entity
Industrial Alliance
The Cobroforces departement for all things industrial. With a leader in every subsection there is many events, trainings and hang-out sessions, you will find your way to industrial success in best company
CobroForce Entity
Cobra StrikeForce
A more strict department in the Cobroforce open to everyone that wants to specialize in protecting Cobra & the Community and serves in a close-to-live military hierarchy. With options to advance in Skill and Leadership, this can be the home for all cobro’s interested in mil-sim and public service.